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Frequently Asked Questions

What are we voting on?

On Tuesday, November 7, voters in the Clearbrook-Gonvick School District will consider one ballot question related to the sale of bonds totaling $28,730,000 to fund necessary repairs, additions, and renovations at the Clearbrook-Gonvick School.

Why is Clearbrook-Gonvick Schools proposing this referendum?

Our school is facing facility challenges that impact learning environments. This referendum addresses the top challenges documented through community surveys, staff surveys and a community-led task force. The challenges addressed by this project include:

  • Health, safety and security
  • Repairs and improvements to building systems
  • Improved and expanded learning environments
  • Additional space for Phy. Ed., health and indoor recess for elementary students

Learn more about the plan.

Who created this plan?

A community-led task force made up of business leaders, students, teachers, parents, non-licensed staff, and school administrators met together to evaluate a facility study, educational adequacy study, enrollment projections, and community survey about the district facilities. This community-led task force made a recommendation to the Board of Education to address the needs in alignment with district goals for student achievement. In a July School Board meeting, the school board passed a resolution to bring the referendum question to voters on election day, Tuesday, November 7.

What is the cost?

If approved by our community, the total cost is $28,370,000. The cost is approximately $10/month on an average home value of $125,000. The District provides a referendum impact calculator to help estimate the annual cost for a specific property type value.

Who will pay for it?

The cost of the project would be paid through local property tax assessments within the district boundaries. A breakdown of estimated sources of financing is shown in the graph. It is estimated that local residential property owners would be responsible for just 13% of the bond service, while Enbridge and other utilities would service up to 62% of the bond payments.

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